Listed as a World Heritage Site , Venice has always been well known as a popular tourist attraction for people of all ages. After all, it is well known for its several important artistic movements especially during the Renaissance period. Renowned for the beauty of its architecture and artwork, I’ve always wondered if their culinary art is as good as the art of architecture. This time, I’ll share a brief of the hotel I stayed in and what’s surrounding it before I go into detailed posts of every place I dined in.


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The hotel was pretty average, and do expect all the others to look similar unless you bunk in a five stars. The Boscolo Hotel Bellini is not big but is comfortable and cozy to stay with ambiance and decoration resembling a fusion of Genting’s First World and Venetian Macao combined together.




Moving on to the streets where all the food and sights are worth every second of your time there, I was rather amazed with every simple dish. Common food on the street in any café is probably pasta. Standard pasta is nothing too fancy, somewhat ordinarily served with simple pasta sauce and cheese on assorted pasta varieties of your choice. The closest you get to rice is couscous which also happens to be a pasta type. I always said that the best way to understand a culture is by tasting the food. Growing up in Malaysia makes it impossible to eat this for more than a month (I’d probably start grinding my own chili paste by then).


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In the hotel, breakfast is also simple, nothing too heavy.


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Outside the hotel, on the streets where there will be lots of shops selling souvenirs especially masquerade mask.


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And trust me when I said there are loads of masquerade mask. After all, this is a place that is rich in art and culture whilst playing important role in the history of symphonic and operatic music. Don’t forget this; Venice is also the birthplace of the great Antonio Vivaldi.




Apart from the masks, the next attraction is obviously food!! Pastas are sold everywhere in almost every shop. On the streets, there are all sorts of bites and snacks but on top of that, the extraordinary treats were those candies.




There is this shop with everything that is to make a kid smile. And they impressively make the big things small, and the small ones huge.




If you observe well, you can see the sizes comparison.




Look at hose huge gummy worms, and candy chewing sticks, or in this case rods and trust me no kids would ask for a second one cause they find it difficult to finish the first.




A tip to those planning to visit, do brush up the language a little bit. No one would stop for you if you speak any other languages. Do memorise this: Mi scusi/Scusa mi,posso farLe/farti una domanda?=Excuse me, can I ask you something ? That would really help a lot. Anything after that in English would be fine. The popular “permesso” remark is alright too. And that means “pardon me”.


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The Boscolo Hotel Bellini is located at :
Lista di Spagna 116/A
Cannareggio quarter, 30121
Venice, Italy


Also read about Foodeverywhere’s Travel Journal outside Malaysia and Sycookies Food Travelogue .



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