Mighty White Cupcake is probably the answer to our busy lifestyle. Not to mention when it comes to hosting events and house parties. Planning a party can seriously take a lot of time and organizing. It’s all about logistics and working full time also means not being able to ask for time off every time you throw a party. Thank goodness we have simpler options nowadays and those new Mighty White Cupcakes are really convenient when it comes to last minute planning.
I stacked and put up a little corner with cupcakes for some of my friends lately and everyone seemed really happy with those cupcakes. There are so many cute ideas you could do with these lovely cupcakes. You can make a cupcake bouquet for bridal showers, stacking cupcakes for birthday parties, or even a small get together party both indoor and outdoor. And the list goes on and on of course. The truth is cupcakes are fantastic and easy to make a party look gorgeous and at the same time feeling personal since you get that assorted flavours at the same time.
The latest Mighty White Cupcake is available in three awesome flavours; Original, Orange and Chocolate. And since I bake, I am personally impressed with the texture of their cupcakes. Kind of makes me wonder why I still spend so much time making my own cupcakes. The new Mighty White Cupcake is crazy convenient. Each comes in individual packaging, which means easy and on the go at anytime of the day and really delicious as well.
And with Raya around the corner, here is a quick thought. How about stocking up some of these babies for your guests?
It’ll also be a good supply for travelling during balik kampung trip. Pair them with your favourite fruit or toppings and it’ll be that perfect match made in heaven.
Next for me, will be the lovely tea party I’ve always wanted to host. Plus, there is an ongoing 30% discount price from normal retail price with a minimum purchase of 300 packets/per delivery promotion that is valid from 1st july – 31st july 2015. Click http://a.pgtb.me/s8V7w3 to order.
Here is the video I posted on Instagram when I set up my little cupcake corner to great my guests. Enjoy.
For more promo details, follow Mighty White Facebook Page at : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mighty-White/587718204698607?ref=bookmarks
Click HERE for more photos on flikr.
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2 Replies to “Mighty White Cupcake”
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nice decoration that fits the yummy cupcakes!
Thank you ☺