Quality of sushi is usually measured by the finely-sliced fish flown in from Japan but for some, creativity and flexibility to craft your own sushi rolls matter more. Okonomi in Solaris Dutamas happens to be one that falls into this category. With a wide array of sushi rolls to offer, from reliable combination that never disappoints and a guide of steps to custom your own roll, this place does simple things right without hefty damage on the wallet. Dining with Missy and her family, we did our experiments and each came up with something interesting. Starting with some healthy greens, we made our salad bowls as appetisers to start the meal.
Healthy salad bowl made with assorted lettuce, mango slices, cherry tomato, avocado, sesame seed, Japanese cucumber, with wasabi mayo dressing.
Maki roll with wakame, pickled cucumber, salmon, mentai mayo, and tobiko
The mix and match process can be a little confusing if you are new at it, but only because there are too many options to consider. I know, I can be really greedy and indecisive at times. One can enjoy a hearty meal of salad and sushi roll accordingly to their preferences at ease. And if your concern is whether or not the combination picked could turn out to be a fear factor challenge? Fret not because the friendly crew in Okonomi would always provide friendly consultation to the potential best combo. Otherwise go safe with their ala carte options. Some of them are pretty creative and contemporary.
Tempura squid with roasted garlic sauce (RM 25.90)
Salmon Oyakodon (RM15.90)- Fresh salmon, avacado, tamago, tobiko layered with seaweed
Katsu chicken burger
Sweet and spicy prawn roll
Chicken karaage with waffle
Baby Octopus Roll (RM23.90)
Smashing salmon roll
Okonomi can be popular for building your own maki rolls for all we are aware off, but at the same time this is the place that offers everything matcha when it comes to the sweet treats. The sweet finishing this time around is the Chocolate matcha lava cake (RM 18.90). This rich matcha cake filled with delicious matcha chocolate molten lava, drizzled with powdered sugar and served with vanilla ice cream and matcha chocolate sticks can quite easily take away all the stress for the day. Even the beverage lists a plenty of matcha choices as well. Matcha Latte (RM 8.90) and Matcha Shiratama float (RM 14.90) can a be a little overwhelming but as desserts, I have no complaints on this one.
The latest addition to their menu is this new entry of soft serve in waffle bowl with your own choice of toppings. This one is quite certainly something fun but it would remain only for the fun factor.
The Okonomi Sushi Roll Restaurant is located at:
A4-G2-02 , Solaris Dutamas
No. 1, Jalan Dutamas 1,
Jalan Ipoh, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Phone: +60 12-662 9041
Business Hour : Tuesday- Sunday 11am-11pm
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/OkonomiFoods/?_rdr
GPS: 3.1707075,101.666780
Click HERE for their MENU and HERE for more photos on flikr.
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Please send me the salmon oyakodon