Mangoes are awesome when it comes the the rice aroma and natural sweetness of the fruit. And while the fruiting season is on, I’ve been having them for breakfast and mid day snacking with granola and nuts most of the time. Mangoes are the only fruit I don’t need to order because we have a mango tree that bears fruits like crazy at every fruiting season. Blended mango juice is great but it doesn’t beat a mango smoothie bowl. Plus, the bowl is obviously aesthetically a whole lot prettier than the glass. Let’s just say I do it for the gram. LOL.
But this was one of the smoothie bowl recipe that I had on my workshop not too long ago.
Ingredients :
I cup frozen mango
3TBS instant oats
1/2 cup yogurt
1/4 cup cauliflower
1/2 cup water
Homemade Granola
Chia seed
Raw cacao nibs (Big Tree Farms Bali)
Pumpkin seeds
Click to read more Healthy Eating Recipe , for the clean eats. Also click HERE for other smoothie recipes.