We’ve all heard of how nuts are supposedly a healthier alternative to snacking junk food but we are also at the same time aware of how they can be dull and a little boring at times. What we don’t know is that nuts can be a satisfying snack given their high contained nutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium. At the same time also loaded with important macro nutrient like protein. I really don’t want to jump into all the science talk but keeping things in short, I am sharing what I have been snacking on every now and then.
Eating raw is best when it comes to most of the food but let’s admit it. We love that little spark in life and that extra indulgence when it comes to food. I still enjoy that extra indulgence when it comes to food. But having a job like mine requires intense discipline when it comes to food intake. And that’s why I still indulge when it comes to snacking. I pair them with a little bit of nice cream and some goodness of fruits.
Ingredients for nice cream: 1 frozen banana, 2 Tbs almond milk, pinch of seasalt.
Toppings: Amazing Graze Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix
Click to read more Healthy Eating Recipe , or browse through the photos on fickr and Instagram to see more clean eat dishes.
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Nice blog and sharing. I’ve been into healthy style and glad to found your blog. But i need to skip the nuts since i have an allergic towards nuts.
Thanks! I am trying my best to practice eating right. Let’s eat to a healthier body and mind !