Indonesia and Malaysia are similar in many ways, but at the same time, tremendous differences when it comes to incorporation of evolution when it comes to multiculturalism and differences of different ethnic group of the locals of different traditions and customs on certain city or states. Yogyakarta in particular is very well-known as capital of Javanese art. But one should take note of what you can explore and learn through food. In this recent visit to Yogyakarta, I learn the making of commercially packaged pastry called the Bakpia. This pastry is one of Yogyakarta’s specialties and its name Bakpia Pathok, is an adopt of the suburb in this city where these sweet pastries were originated.

Today we visit Bakpia premise number 25 with medias and bloggers from Malaysia as part of the culinary familiarizing tour. This culinary familiarizing trip was organised by the Multimedia Group and together with the Ministry of Tourism and creative economy Indonesia, it is aim to introduce the best of local flavours as part of Indonesia persona. Upon visiting the popular local pastry in Yogyakarta, we learned about this area called the central industry where all Bakpia labels are clustered and each labelled according to their unit number on respective addresses. This one is so interesting and relatable, somewhat similar to what’s found in Malaysia because this one was introduced by Fujian immigrants during early days. Coincidentally same style and method, yet practices miles apart.



It is also not surprised that this is so closely tasting alike what Malaysian’s called tausahpia. Well it is because they most likely be the same thing. I’ve read and heard older folks reminiscing on tausahpia back in earlier days, about the texture and I am certain if not a hundred percent accurate that tausahpia would have originally been the same thing of Bakpia. Except we’ve gone through evolutionary selective alterations in making pastry skin fluff and crispy instead of this original soft and moist. It seems in Yogyakarta; things are pretty authentic and well preserved. The evolutionary change in the Yogyakarta version is that of flavour assortments – now adding chocolate and even durian into the fillings for variable choices.

Here at one of the most popular called the Bakpia 25, we were walked through with the process of the making and boy what goes on the facade beyond into the factory attached to what seemed like a pastry shop in the beginning was engrossing. These bites of sweet rolls, originally stuffed with mungbeans and later evolved into assorted of flavours is one of the popular Yogyakarta’s specialty. It’s off Chinese influence and Malaysians will find this flavour profile and texture easy to accustomed to, yet the locals have certainly included bits and pieces of Indonesia demographic and geography into this pastry throughout the years. 


Every bite spell uniquely Jogja and it is so fascinating how food profile or the same origin integrates when landed at different parts of the world. If you are ever a fan of our version of tausahpia back in Malaysia, and is wondering what it’s like way before how it is like today, this is what you must try in Yogyakarta. It is most likely the closest to original state of this Chinese pastry from the ancestors.


This one is called Bakpia 25 and they sell this all over Yogyakarta, you can find them in random shops and stalls all across the city. And 25? Cause the making takes place on lot number 25 back then.


Here’s our visit to the outlet and follow the rest of our Yogyakarta food familiarising journey with #sycookiesxjog

Bakpia pathuk 25 is located at:

Jl. AIP II, Jl. Karel Sasuit Tubun Jl. Bhayangkara Ng 1 No.504,

Sanggrahan, Ngampilan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55132, Indonesia

Business hour: 6am- 12 am daily


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