Yuu-jo Japanese Fusion @ Mont Kiara

  Fuse of many elements possible into cleverly crafted fusion Japanese dishes, the Yuu-jo bent the rules and serves the regular Japanese dishes with a twist of bold and creativity. Having a Japanese chef imported from Singapore, every dish is different than the usual with a little spike of excitement waiting to be unleashed. Tucked …

Recipe: Prosperity Tea

  During this festive season, one other thing I enjoyed apart from the food and kuih is the visit from relatives and friends. I like sitting around and listening to my parents conversation, as well as answering the few standard questions from all relatives; study or work and single or married. I also enjoy sitting …

Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant@ Park Royal Kuala Lumpur

  This coming Chinese New Year blazes with joy and prosperity at the Park Royale’s Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant as they bring the best of their Si Chuan culinary and presenting it with finest Chinese tea brewed and coupled with skillful tea pouring spectacular act. Chinese tea master expertly serves Prosperity in Bloom. I …